Lydwen, harpe celtique

Whispers of the Fairies Land
Celtic Harp - Musical Légends



about musicians ...


What is the definition of a perfect gentleman?
A perfect gentleman is somebody who knows how to play the bagpipe...
... but who does not play it!

How to become a millionaire by making some music?
It is necessary to begin billionaire...

What is the difference between a harpist and a terrorist?
We can always try to negotiate with a terrorist....

How make keep silent an accordéonniste?
It is enough to put to him (her) a partition under eyes...

How make keep silent a harpist?
It is enough to deprive to him (her) the partition...

And what does your dad make in the life?
My dad he is a musician...
Ah, and your mom?
My mom she makes nothing either...

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